I picked up Adobe Lightroom a few weeks ago, and have been playing with it a bit lately. Mostly I have been transferring my library of photos from Elements to Lightroom. So far I have reduced some 20,000 images to a mere 8,000 images (half the catalog down, the other half to go)! Lightroom makes it a snap to go through and toss out the lousy and organization rocks!
While I was pulling images into Lightroom I have run across some lost gems...
One really awesome thing about Adobe Lightroom is the ability to create virtual copies of images and non-destructively mess with the images. I have been looking at some vintage photos lately, and really love the look and feel. These are my slaughtered recreations trying to get that look and feel I see in those vintage images (only sharing 2 of the 20 or so I created from a small series of 5 images).
If you are using Lightroom, then you know it rocks, if you aren't then try it out! If you live in Utah, Scott Jarvie is giving free workshops on using Lightroom. I only wish I could attend. Hopefully the next round...
11 years ago
I love the virtual copy option, I use it all the time. Good to hear your liking the app. Give me a ring if you have any questions. Love the versions of the lone tree
Thanks for the offer Scott, I will be taking you up on that one!
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